Establishment of the Company

“ARKADIA 2020” is a civil non-profit company established on Monday, 3 January 2017, in accordance with the provisions of Article 101 of Law 3852/2010 and Articles 741-784 of the Civil Code. Its registered offices are in Tripoli, Arkadia. Its term is set to expire on 31 December 2033 and it has been formed with a view to remaining in active operation for as long as needed to achieve its goals.

Ultimately, the purpose of ARKADIA 2020 is to highlight common characteristics, as well as to form, implement, and provide support for policies linked to the particular characteristics of the members which make up the network.

More specifically, the company’s purposes are the preparatory actions and execution of planning, scheduling, and especially the implementation of the Community-led Local Development (CLLD) programme, under the OP ‘Peloponnesus’ 2014-2020, in an area of intervention falling within the Regional Unit of Arkadia that includes the Municipalities of Megalopolis and Gortynia, as well as the Municipality of Tripolis, with exception of its urban network, which were selected following consultations with local (public and private) entities in the Regional Unit of Arkadia and the Peloponnesus region.

The company has registered offices in the Municipality of Tripoli, in the Prefecture of Arkadia, and specifically at the corner of 21, Ermou Street and 12, Kennedy Street (3rd floor), in Tripoli.

Purposes and Activities of the Company

The purpose of the company can be broken down into the following activities:

  • Organisation and conduct of consultations with local and regional bodies to finalise determination of the CLLD region and to form the CLLD Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Preparation of the CLLD Strategy and Action Plan
  • Responding to the relevant call from the OP Managing Authority of the Peloponnesus Region and submission of the Strategy and Action Plan to the aforementioned Managing Authority
  • The management and implementation of the CLLD Action Plan in accordance with the EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Regulations and in line with the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Management and Control System 2014-2020.
  • Accounting reporting and procedures for the completion of the CLLD Action Plan, in accordance with the terms of approval and funding by the Peloponnesus Region OP Managing Authority and the NSRF Management and Control System 2014-2020.
  • Development of synergies at national and supranational level (especially within the EU) for the achievement of goals similar or related to those served by the CLLD Action Plan.
  • Development of synergies and partnerships at national and EU level with natural persons and public or private bodies to promote the company’s goals.

Scope of activity

  • Conduct awareness raising and mobilisation of local actors and local communities, productive and business networks to participate in the planning and implementation of the CLLD programme.
  • Development/design of the Strategy and Action Plan for the CLLD programme.
  • Creation of a file for submission to the Peloponnesus Region Operational Programme of a proposal/application for financing of the Strategy and Action Plan for the CLLD programme within specific areas of the Arkadia Regional Unit.
  • Coordinating and supporting the maturity of projects for their inclusion in the CLLD Action Plan and subsequently under the ROP “Peloponnesus” 2014-2020.
  • Acceptance of resources from the Regional Operational Programme “Peloponnesus” for the implementation of the CLLD Strategy and Action Plan and the transfer of resources to beneficiaries for Projects/Action Initiatives/Studies under the Programme.
  • Acceptance of delegated management responsibilities for the CLLD Programme.
  • Development of synergies and partnerships at national and EU level with natural persons and public or private bodies to promote the company’s goals.
  • Recruitment of the necessary scientific, administrative and support staff.
  • Conclusion of contracts with all types of entities (private and public) to serve the company’s purposes.
  • Utilisation of the staff of its partners through the procedures provided for by law.
  • Control and approval of periodic interim performance reports to ascertain the effectiveness of the implementation procedures of the Action Plan and, if necessary, timely and immediate adjustment of the strategy and redesign of the implementation procedures.

Financial Figures

The company’s capital amounts to one hundred and fifty euros (EUR 150 000.00). The company’s capital consists of company shares, each of which equals five hundred euros (EUR 500).

The above capital sum will be covered by the initial partners as follows:

  • Peloponnesus Region: 40%, i.e. EUR 60,000.00 and acquisition of 120 company shares.
  • Municipality of Tripolis: 15%, i.e. EUR 22,500.00 and acquisition of 45 company shares.
  • Municipality of Gortynia 15%, i.e. EUR 22,500.00 and acquisition of 45 company shares.
  • Municipality of Megalopolis: 15%, i.e. EUR 22,500 and acquisition of 45 company shares.
  • “PELOPONNISOS S.A.”: 5%, i.e. EUR 7,500.00 and acquisition of 15 company shares.
  • Chamber of Arkadia 5%, i.e. EUR 7,500.00 and acquisition of 15 company shares
  • Social Cooperative Enterprise (SCE) under the name ‘ALPHEIOS SCE’: 2%, i.e. EUR 3,000.00 and acquisition of 6 company shares.
  • Union under the name: “HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTION MUSEUM GEN. D. PLAPOUTAS & FIGHTERS” 1%, i.e. EUR 1,500.00 and acquisition of 3 company shares.
  • Association under the name: “Association for Sustainable Development” 1%, i.e. EUR 1,500.00 and acquisition of 3 company shares.
  • Association under the name: “DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF GORTINA-MEGALOPOLIS-TRIPOLIS”: 1%, i.e. EUR 1,500.00 and acquisition of 3 company shares.

The financial resources of the company may be derived from:

  • Donations, sponsorships and contributions from Partners.
  • Donations and sponsorships from third parties
  • European, international and national grants and funding from public and/or private bodies for the design and implementation of studies and programmes,
  • Donations, grants and financing from public sector agencies, the State budget, the Public Investment Programme, European programmes, National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), Community Initiative Programmes (CIP) and public or private undertakings in Greece or abroad,
  • Income from legal or natural persons provided for support of the purposes of the company,
  • Any income the acceptance of which is not contrary to the company’s purposes, the law and generally accepted ethics.
  • Resources provided by the Peloponnesus ROP for the implementation/application of the CLLD Programme.
  • Loans from credit institutions to serve its purposes.

The company is non-profit making and its operation is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, the provisions of which apply to any unregulated issue arising herefrom.

Consequently, its proceeds will be available to serve its purposes and will in no case be distributed to the partners, either during its operation or at the time of the company’s dissolution by any means.

Any surpluses arising from the Company’s activity will be retained in a Special Reserve Account and will be made available, by virtue of a General Meeting decision, for use in action initiatives consistent with the company’s purpose.

Governing Bodies and Management of the CLLD Programme

The governing bodies of the company are:

  • The General Meeting of Partners
  • The Board of Directors of the company
  • The CLLD Management Planning Committee (decision-making body) (Peloponnesus ROP) (Programme Planning and Management Committee).

The Board of Directors appoints the CLLD Administrator/Coordinator within the framework of the Peloponnesus ROP 2014-2020. Members of the Board of Directors may be appointed to the position of Administrator. The responsibilities of the Administrator are determined by decision of the Board of Directors and in accordance with the Company’s operating regulations. Among the responsibilities of the Administrator are the following:

  • Collection of all revenues of the company.
  • Making payments for the company.
  • Overseeing the company’s accounting and tax books, the drafting and submission of tax returns, and has responsibility for the timely fulfillment of the Company’s obligations to the State, insurance organisations, the company’s personnel and generally to any third party.
  • Ensuring the timely preparation and submission of the budget, the management report and accounts, and the balance sheet of the company to the company’s competent bodies for approval.
  • Co-signature of the annual budget, the annual financial report, and payment orders for all expenses together with the Vice Chairperson.
  • Preparation of a draft Operational and Personnel Regulation and proposal thereof to the Board of Directors for approval.